Sunday, September 21, 2014

Keratoconus-An Introduction

In our practice along with "Refraction and Dispensing"   "Diagnosis and Referring" also plays a vital role in making and retaining Loyal customers..
Let us thus have a brief understanding about Keratoconus,which requires a different approach of Contact lens fitting to provide your patients with a best corrected visual acuity..
In Greek Kerato means Cornea and konos means a Cone, thus put together a Cone shape Cornea is called a Keratoconic Cornea.

Take a close look at the picture and you will be able to make out the Cone-Shape of the keratoconic cornea..
Defination of Keratoconus: Keratoconus is a benign, usually bilateral, non-inflammatory thinning and ectasia of the cornea, resulting in a high degree of irregular myopic astigmatism

1 comment:

  1. Ectasia means dilation or distention of a tubular structure which occurs as a result of patho-physiological process..

    Benign means not harmful in effect..Though keratoconus affects the Vision of the patient it is usually not harmful in nature..
